veranda living
Delivery & Returns | Veranda Living
Before you place an order with, please familiarise yourself with our delivery and returns policy, which is as follows:
1. Delivery Costs
  • Deliveries will be made within 3 weeks of order receipt (Express Delivery option available for in-stock sizes). Please call 02920 105 777 to get a quote for delivery to Isle of Man, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Wight (we do not currently offer a delivery service to Scotland or Northern Ireland).
  • Orders will be charged at £175 (inc vat) to England or Wales mainland (see destinations not serviced above). This service is for a one person delivery service and you will need to have a sufficiently strong enough person at your property on the day of delivery to assist our driver with the unload. Alternatively, we can offer a 2 person delivery service at £250 (inc vat). Deliveries will be advised 5 working days prior to delivery.
2. Order Confirmation
  • After you submit your order, you will receive an automated confirmation email. Please read this email carefully to ensure that your contact details, delivery information, and items ordered are all correct.
  • A member of our customer services team will call you within 48 hours of order receipt to confirm the order.
3. When Will My Order Arrive?
  • A delivery date will be arranged once your order has been accepted and processed. You will receive a delivery date via phone call or email if there is no answer.
  • We accept no responsibility or liability for any costs incurred as a result of any changes to your delivery date that occur through no fault of our own. Please do not book tradesmen until your delivery has been made.
  • We are unable to provide specific delivery times, although we do endeavour to call approximately one hour prior to delivery. If you have specific delivery date requests, we may be able to offer additional delivery options at an extra charge – please call 02920 105 777 for a quote.
4. Kerbside Delivery
  • ALL deliveries are made to kerbside or as close to the property as access will allow. Items cannot be moved or carried upstairs, round the back of the property etc although we will endeavour to place them on your driveway or to the side of the house. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that materials are moved from kerbside. The driver will assist wherever possible.
5. Failed Deliveries
  • An additional charge will be applicable if orders have to be re-delivered.
6. Returns & Cancellations
  • Where goods are returned within 14 days of receipt, a fee of £299 of the sales value will be deducted from the refund value. The goods must be unmarked, not damaged and with no missing parts. Once the goods are returned and inspected by us and found to be in good condition the refund value less £299 will be sent to the buyer. If the returned items are defective the seller will determine the refund value and advise the buyer. This does not affect your statutory rights.
  • Order cancellations MUST be strictly made by telephone 4 working days prior to advised delivery date. Where this is not adhered to, the above will apply. If you wish to cancel your order, please call us on 02920 105 777.
If you have any questions about our delivery and returns policy, please don’t hesitate to contact the Veranda Living team.